Due to the forthcoming integration of the IT systems of Lloyds Bank International with the Banco Sabadell group, scheduled for 15 march, we inform you that you can do your internet shopping with Banco Sabadell cards. This is a service that offers the maximum safety when shopping over the internet with the bank’s debit and credit cards. And it is totally free of charge, with just one requisite: to have a BS Online distance banking contract which you can obtain free of charge by contracting your branch.
This shopping system is very simple. When paying for your internet purchases just indicate a code from your distance banking code card which is known only to you. The system will then authenticate that it is you and not another person performing the operation.
You must bear in mind that you can only use the Banco Sabadell secure payment at the e-businesses which have this type of payment activated. To check this, just make sure they show the “Verified by Visa” logo for Visa Cards, or “MasterCard Secure code” for Mastercards.
Banco Sabadell also offers you a restriction service for operations with credit and debit cars for internet payments or payments in certain foreign countries, those that do not use the EMV system, and do not have chip readers in PSTs. You can configure these card restrictions via the distance banking service.
If you are in any doubt or would like more information about this service, you can visit the website or our customer care services: by calling 902 100 079 or Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. You can also visit your nearest branch.