On 15 march 2014 the integration of the IT systems of Lloyds Bank International with the Banco Sabadell group will conclude. As from that time, you must check and operate your Lloyds Bank International accounts via the Banco Sabadell distance banking service available at bancsabadell.com. To do so, you will use your current BS Online code card with which you can operate with all your accounts, whether they are Lloyds Bank International’s or Banco Sabadell’s. Until that time, you can continue to use the regular Distance Banking Service at www.lloydsbankinternational.es or bancsabadell.com.
You must take into account that as from that date your Lloyds Bank International signature system will not be operational.
If you have any doubts about how your new code card works, we are at your disposal on 902 100 079 or Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.