From 15 march 2014, your distance banking will be even easier. Using your current BS Online code card you will be able to operate with all your accounts, regardless of whether they were originally with Lloyds Bank International or with Banco Sabadell. Following the operational integration of Lloyds Bank International and the Banco Sabadell group, you will be able to access your accounts via BS Online, and in order to sign your operations, you should be able to continue using your BS Online and BS Online Companies code cards.
Remember that until 15 march 2014 you can continue operating with your usual distance banking service at or at
For your information, please find below our frequently asked questions:
- Must I change my current signature system at Lloyds Bank International?
On 15 march 2014 the operation will conclude to integrate the computer systems of Lloyds Bank International into the Banco Sabadell group. From that time you will start to consult and operate with your Lloyds Bank International accounts via the distance banking service of Banco Sabadell and to do so, you will use your current BS Online code card. At that time, your former Lloyds Bank International signatures system will become ineffective.
- I have lost the BS Online and BS Online Companies code card.
If you have lost one of your code cards, in the next few days you should contact our Banco Sabadell branch or call our customer service department on 902 100 079. Remember that from 15 march 2014 you will need your code card to operate with all your accounts, regardless of whether they were originally with Lloyds Bank International or with Banco Sabadell.
- May we help you?
If you have any queries regarding the functioning of your BS Online code card, we are at your disposal on 902 100 079 or via Twitter, at @BancoSabadell.